...Go to school!
We are so excited to welcome so many new faces into our program and our classroom. As we begin our new school year. We spend a great deal of time learning the day to day routines of our classroom. We wanted to take this opportunity to share some of those routines with you.
We begin our 4K day at 8:00am with a free exploration time. Children are allowed to play with all of the toys in our classroom during this time. This allows students to practice making choices and engage in self directed activities. The teacher in the classroom at this time (usually Ms. Lee) greets friends being dropped off, facilitates learning through play and prepares students for the day ahead. During this first free hour we also pause for morning snack.
Between 9:00-9:15am we begin cleaning up our classroom. We practice our teamwork, and self help skills during clean up.
At 9:15 we begin our morning meeting. During this time we all come together as a class. We sing our good morning song, talk about months, seasons, and days of the week. We choose our daily helpers, continue our pattern on the calendar, and graph the weather.
After morning meeting we take a break for music and movement allowing us to get out all our wiggles and giggles and keep up with our group time.
Around 9:30-9:45 we have our story time.
At 9:50 we move to the tables to draw and write in our journals. Right now children draw a picture and come to a teacher to have her write all the words. As the school year continues many students will begin to write some of these words on their own.
After finishing journals children are given a more limited choice time and allowed to work with our activity bins. Activity bins are games and toys to be used independently or with a small group. These activity bins help us develop, fine motor, math and literacy skills as well as promote independence and focus.
This time is also when we complete our theme activity. Sometimes it’s an art project, other times a math activity, a literacy lesson, or a science experiment. Some days we may participate as a whole group other days a few children at a time are called to work with a teacher.
At 10:45 we head outside for some gross motor play. Most days we enjoy free play time at the Webster Park playground. Other days we walk on paths through the woods or play group games in the field.
At 11:15 we head in from outside for another group time. We play a group game, sometimes share another story, use our pocket chart for literacy or math, feed our sound muncher, do a fun letter activity.
At 11:45 we prepare for lunch. Our lunch helper helps set the tables, our counter counts the days of school and how many friends are in our class today. We write our storyboard about our day and wash our hands for lunch time.
After lunch we head down to playroom for a nap from 1:00-3:00. Any children who do not sleep are sent to an up room for quiet activities at 2:00.
At 3:30 we eat our afternoon snack in the classroom and have free exploration until our afternoon outside time at 4:00.
At 4:30 we return to the 4K classroom for a short story time or table activity.
At 5:00 we combine in WL#1 for the end of the day.